News, brushstrokes & beyond

During my trip in SriLanka I’ve got inspired by their amazing masks culture and got fired up for a new Workshop!

With the great help of local artisans, I collected just 10 and now we are going to paint them while getting to know color theory, color meaning and their current traditional meaning.

Traditional masks in Sri Lanka are an integral part of the country’s culture and are used in various rituals, performances, and festivals. These masks often depict characters from folklore, mythology, and religious stories, such as demons, gods, and animals. They are crafted from materials like wood, and each mask is meticulously carved and painted by skilled artisans. These masks are not only objects of art but also believed to possess spiritual significance, offering protection and warding off evil spirits.

Join this unic painting session with me and let’s jump in the SriLankan culture!



One of my most exciting workshops! For those who wants to fly above two-dimensional painting, we have something more experimental and cutting-edge. We learn 3D construction techniques on canvas and texuring, from plaster to sand we build textures and real sculptures on canvas.

27th April 2023 -Yoga & Painting Workshop!


Dive your self in 1.5 hours of relaxing and rejouvenating yogalet by an international yoga teacher, Riccardo de Paolis, discover the synergy between movement and Art as you explore Mindfulnes and self- expression.

3h of Expressionism

Individual Expression: It fosters the freedom of artistic expression, encouraging each participant to paint what they feel and perceive, without external restrictions or judgments.

Expressionist Style: It draws inspiration from the expressionist style, characterized by bold brushstrokes, vibrant colors, and a focus on emotion and spontaneity in art.

Deep Relaxation: Sessions are designed to promote a sense of calm and relaxation, allowing participants to fully immerse themselves in the creative process. Experimentation and Creative Freedom: Artists are encouraged to experiment with different techniques and materials, fostering personal discovery and innovation in their work.

Connection Experience: Through art and creativity, participants have the opportunity to connect more deeply with themselves and others, creating a sense of community and sharing in the exploration of expressionist art.

Soulful Creations: Embracing Expressionism

Whats included:

easel, canvas, colors, paper, brushes/pencils/spatulas, snacks and drinks.

Price: 750 dkk

Book by Mobilepay 50 36 34 60 writing “Yoga & Painting Workshop”

10th of March 2023 – Mikkeller Painting Workshop!